internet give me profit

Minggu, 25 Januari 2009

P T C ( Paid to Clik ) Made In Indonesia ,Klik dibayar dollar to Rupiah

Sekarang ini ribuan program ptc bermunculan bak jamur tumbuh dimusim hujan…(hihi sok puitis banget).bisnis online ini memang agak riskan kalau kita ikuti masalahnya kita kan gak tau kita akan dibayar atau gak, benergak! Bisnis ini sebenarnya bertujuan member untuk tertarik melihat iklan merekan dari kita ngeklik. Memang bayak dari mereka yang sudah terkenal membayar contohnya bux to tapi bayarnya lama banget untuk member non-premium kita harus nunggu 60 hari kerja , lu tau gak hari kerja : hari kerja tu ya senin,selasa,rabu,kamis,jumat, bayangin kita nunggu 3 bulan untuk dapet duit seratus ribu rupiah.( capek deh). Memang sih saya salah satu yang menggeluti bisnis online ini buat nambah uang kuliah rumayan buat beli pentol ama sandal.

Yang perlu diperhatikan dari bisnis ini adalah,kita harus teliti memilih ptc yang jujur atau not scam misal ada ptc berani o,1 ptc ini sangat berpotensi untuk scam kenapa gw bilang gitu , kalu kita hitung- hitung ptc ini hanya dapetin untung sangat sedikit dari iklan yang ada mungkin hanya 1 – 2 dollar, sorry gw males ngitung, maaf atas kekurangannya.kalau ptc 0,01 usd kemungkinan membayar tapi ini agak riskan juaga sih ptc ini masih mendapatkan sekitar 10 -15 usd dari iklan iklan di ptc tu banyak ngerti gak kalau keuntungan mereka 15 untuk satu iklan berapa untuk 10 iklan. 150 dollar bagi orang amrik ini gak kecil apalagi orang kere kayak kita heheehe. Nih gw kasih tahu rahasia nye menurut survey Negara kita nih ye merupakan tempat bersarangnya clicker.

Kalau lu baru dalam bisnis ini gw saranin lo milih ptc dari Indonesia kemungkinan besar sih membayar kenapa gitu kita tahu profilnya jelas dari Indonesia , soalnya kalau macem-macem atau gak bayar kita bias nuntut ke hukum. Apalagi Indonesia berita cepat kalu ada scam jadi keamanan terjamin.

Eh gw mo numpang promosi refferal kalau u berkenan boleh pake referral gw. Gw doain deh yang mau pake referral supaya dapet jodoh dan rezeki melimpah , dari lubuk yang paling dalam TOLONGIN DONG dong DONG !!!. gw jg masih baru sih ikut ptc bulan lalu emang gw dapet bayaran yang pertama dari ptc yang gw ikuti capek deh perjuangn selama dua bulan pun akhirnya berhasil ,gw dibayar !!pas ngambil duit di ATM saldo gw nambah 50.000 ribu rupiah. (dapet dari indo uang )

(di rekomendasikan tapi refferalnya kecil bayar dengan bank mandiri dan bank BCA, bisa semua bank tapi kena pajak, minimum payout 50.000 ribu) (indo ptc ini sistemnya bagus bayar make dollar clik dapet 0,01 refferal cklik dapet 0,007 pembayaran bisa dengan paypal minimum 6 usd untuk bangk indo minimal 10 usd

Kalau kita itung-itung ptc Indonesia itu lebih ngutungi kalau PTC luar kan berani bayar 0,01 usd atau sama dengan 90 rupiah kalau ptc Indonesia kan kita dibayar 100 rupiah jadi kita untung 10 rupiah lagi pula ptc Indonesia langsung transfer Ke rekening BANK DI INDONESIA biasanya bang yang dipakai sih BCA sama MANDIRIl, jadi kita gak perlu lagi tuh buat yang namanya paypal , alertpay, e-gold. Mau diverifikasi aja kita harus punya kartu keredit capekkan

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Surviving in an Online Business

If your business doesn't offer its services or its products online, then you will definitely be missing out on a lot of business. Businesses today realize that in order to stay competitive, they have to communicate with today's audiences who for a large part are now doing business primarily online.

Running a business online means that you have a global audience. And having a global audience means that the doors of your store is open twenty four hours each and every day seven days a week. Even people without technical skills are now utilizing the internet setting up their business for the chance to make money online. They realize that having a global presence is where the money is. While the customers visiting your online business in New York may be sleeping, the ones from Tokyo would still be awake. Therefore, your online business is one that never sleeps. It's one that is always ready to accommodate your customers. As a result of so many people using the internet to present their business products and services to the world, the internet has become a global phenomenon.

Managing a business online is never easy, communication is very important. Therefore, using email and instant messaging as a form of communication between you and your staff can be beneficial. Many businesses use technologies such as the VoIP which will enables you to talk with your business partners and staff from all over the world quite easily. Many business owners, their staff and associates may live in different time zones which could be a problem, but to fix that problem it's always a good idea to set up a specific time of the day or night when you can communicate with them the different issues that your business face and instruct them on what they need to do about fixing any problems they may have. You will need to make sure that your staff follows your instruction and schedules. Therefore, setting up an online conference is a great idea this way you get to meet with everyone and have all their issues addressed.

Even though your business is on the internet it's important that you keep your brand built up. Do this by providing your customers with good service, quality products and a pleasant experience to your website store. When customers shop and have a bad experience they tell their friends and the word of that experience start to spread. You want your customers to tell their friends of the positive experience they had shopping in your store, and of the great service and quality product they bought from your site. One customer having a bad shopping experience can spread the news of that experience with your online business and the news can start to ruin your good name.

Having your online business to survive may be a hard job, but if you enjoy what you do then working to promote your business will become a lot easier. Always remember that your website is the face of your business on the internet. Try always to keep up with the latest designs and technology when designing your website store, and make sure you have easy navigation features set in place so your customers don't have to go through pages and pages to find the product they want. Remember not everyone is able to touch people lives on a global scale, but you can with hard work and a determination to succeed.


Online Business Strategies Can Easily Be Applied to Other Markets

Online traders do not need to be restricted to their first business sectors. They will have developed skills and techniques that will be useful in any other market they choose to try.

1. Spread your wings with an Internet business One of the best things about selling products and/or services online is that the Internet marketer is not restricted to any one niche. The whole world of Internet business (which is coming to mean most businesses) has opportunities for online traders. Skills that are developed in one area can be applied across a wide range of trades.

2. There is now no need to demolish before rebuilding In the "old economy" there are huge problems transferring businesses from one sector to another. A factory cannot be relocated, or remodelled to create new products without massive cost and probably the total destruction of the old facility. Even a local shop cannot move without risking its loyal client base. But in the online economy there is no need to destroy before rebuilding.

3. Market sectors are fluid Some sectors have obvious connections and related clients. For example, flight reservations, car hire and hotel booking share common customers even though in principle the equipment and premises they use are totally different. Therefore customers and suppliers have exploited the possibilities of online trading. Although planes, cars and hotels are different businesses with totally different needs for funding, structures and equipment, pulling them all together to sell online has opened up great possibilities for travel companies and their clients.

4. Many different products can be sold online If the travel business has been streamlined by the online business revolution, what about businesses that have no apparent links or similarities? What about selling airline tickets, books, property, or food? Although the end product is entirely different the buying process online is surprisingly similar. There are many examples of leading products whose suppliers have applied skills learned in their original markets with results that have propelled them to the top of their new sectors.

5. From affiliate offers to your own products The easiest way to start marketing online is to sell the goods and services of third parties through affiliate links. Most top marketers started that way, and many keep to that business model throughout their careers. The way skills used in one market can be transferred to new sectors means that skills developed early on are not wasted. Unlike the used car showroom, which would be useless as a place to design and build new cars, an Internet site can be used to sell both affiliate and wholly-owned original products.

6. From virtual to physical goods Many of the best products are sold and delivered entirely online. What is delivered to customers may never exist outside cyberspace. Even so there are advantages to creating physical products, which lead for improved brand recognition and better customer value. This does not mean the online trader always has to touch physical goods. It could be simply a matter of supplying downloadable versions of MP3 or PDF files. Fulfillment businesses can handle the distribution if products need to be delivered to customers. Sometimes the online trader can set up links to factories where goods are made so that the order, product creation and delivery are handled automatically with no involvement of the Internet trader, except to be paid for arranging the deal.

7. Start from what you already know It is not essential for an online trader to start selling digital or affiliate products and move on marketing his own products or physical goods. Amazon started by selling new books, and spread out from that core business to an ever-growing range of products. Leading supermarkets started their Internet businesses selling their food online, but they now sell online financial services such as insurance, and some even have their own online banks. This proves that it is possible to reap huge benefits from trading online, but the starting point needs to be something that the seller is comfortable with. For most new Internet traders this comfort is likely to come from digital products, probably created by an affiliate. The greatest long term success is likely to go to Internet traders who expand their comfort zones using the flexibility offered by Internet marketing.

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Online Business Opportunity of Information Products

There are a lot of information on the net. People just search to get some information related their industries or topics, and send them to friends, relatives, and so on. Some people packed them up into a single book and sell it to the third parties. If you can make some ebooks contain valuable details, report, interviews, or factual data, there are huge market online for selling information products that you do not want to miss this business opportunities.

Can you write articles regarding your business industries or products that you want to sell online? If yes, you are on the way to make money with the products. Here are some tips:

1.Write 5~10 articles with your topic. Make sure the articles are unique and informative. You do not want to copy other articles.

2.Put the articles together so that readers can follow or read the contents easily. You can create some graphics on each page and affiliate links. The index page are also important for readers to see what contents you write for.

3.Convert your document into PDF(Portable Document Format). You can find PDF converters on the net. Just type PDF converters. There are some free software that you can download and use it. Make sure you create the front graphic to attract more people to read it.

As I mentioned above, creating your own information product is simple and low costs. If you can write articles, you do not have to hire a ghostwriter so that you can save costs. Once you have done the process, now time to sell the product online. As I sold a couple products, I have realized that this online business opportunity has high marketing demand. As long as you get some ideas which information products are popular product to consumers, you have great chance to become a full time job.

Kenji Sakamoto's Information product directory offers over 25000 downloadable and ebook products. Check out his

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How to Start a Online Business, Even If You're a Newbie

There are more than a few hundred thousand people online right now trying to make their online business work. This shouldn't really scare you because many people jump on the Internet to seek their fame and fortune as if this were a gold rush. All these people digging for gold all over the Internet, but so many of them have no clear intent.

The first thing to understand about starting a online business is that you can have yourself set up to do business online in a matter of hours. It's almost too easy to become an affiliate or network marketer. They should make things a little harder so people have to work for it more. Most people will fail within the first few months of going into business online because they are not working smart. Before setting up your website and starting your own business, do some homework first. Take some notes and do some research for yourself.

Do what you love to do.

With so many different areas online that you can start a business in, find an area that you really like doing and are good at. We will have our own unique gifts. Some people are great at organization and love to square things away. Others love to write copy and motivate. Then still others have a real creative streak, a flair for graphic design or web design. When you discover your talents and gifts, the rest of it all seems to just present itself to you. Sometimes, it can be that easy but not always.

Niche Markets

The Internet is saturated with everyone trying to market almost everything, but not quite. Finding those niche markets is the real key to thriving with an online business. With competition being as stiff as it is today, discovering those niche markets for yourself will give you multiple streams of income. As an example: Pet supplies is pretty general. Distilling this down further and you have dogs. Distill this down even further and you might arrive at "dog food". Distill this down even further and you would have a niche market with "organic dog food". Consider that recently, major brand pet food was not very safe and was responsible of the deaths of quite a few pets. People who own pets consider them to be family members and want them to be safe. There are many dog owners that are still in search of healthy food choices for their dogs. This market will not be tapped out for quite some time. This is an example of a great niche market opportunity.

The important thing is that you have been thinking about starting an online business for yourself. Don't lose yourself in the steps or the research. Set your course and get going! The Internet is not going to wait around for you forever. You will never know everything that there is to learn before starting your business venture. Like real life, we all learn as we strive ahead. It's only when you take action that you will suddenly realize that you are online doing something you love to do, and everything is coming together for you.

Brian Nelson has been working in the corporate work force for the past 15 years and is now making the move to become a stay-at-home Dad. Brian lives in San Diego, CA with his wife and 4 kids.

If you are also interested in starting a home business then you need to check out the FREE report -

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Expose Your Business Through Your Own Website! By Mona Abdulla

Recent studies have found that people are more likely to look up a business online than in the Yellow Pages or other traditional "old-school" ways. If someone searches for your business and they don't find you, chances are they will turn to a business they do find and you will lose customers. You pay a lot of money on traditional advertising for a huge number of people even though very few of them may be interested in your products.

Internet advertising is different, it is targeted. Everyone who visits your web site is there because he has specific interest in your product or service.

Getting and building a website has become much easier than it used to be. In fact, if all you need is a simple website where people can get basic information about your product and contact information, you have no excuse for not building a website yourself.

Many options exist online for the novice to put together a professional-looking website. They are inexpensive and easy to use.

The first thing you have to do is come up with a domain name for your website. That's what people will type into the address bar to find you. Come up with something that is easy to remember. Don't be too cute; you want people to find you and know how to spell your website name. Make sure it relates to your business.

Go to any domain search and type in the possibilities; it'll tell you whether it's available or not.
Building your website can be easier than coming up with a name for it---once you know exactly what you want your website to do.

How many pages do you want and what will each page need? Do you want people to be able to purchase something from your website.

You must consider these things before you begin building your website. Once you know what you want and need on your website, then you can go look for sites that can offer you everything you want. Don't opt for the free hosting sites; you want your site to be free of annoying pop ups and banners that are not related to your business.

Look for the free website development sites allow you to develop a website, then charge a nominal web hosting fee. These websites are customizable, down to text and pictures and are extremely simple to put together. The websites can have blog links or PayPal payment choices and most have hundreds of layout choices so you can avoid having your website look like your competitors'.

You also can have the option of setting up an on-line store, but that will likely cost an addition monthly fee, usually starting at less than $10 per month. One site, for example, charges $10 per month to sell up to 500 items.

And if you really don't trust yourself to make your own website, then by all means, hire someone to do it for you. Just remember, if you have a business and you want people to know you are out there, get on the web.

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Consider Collaborating With Other Business Owners For Increased Profits

Let's say you have a successful Internet business with a successful e-marketing platform, and you feel you have good relationships with existing customers and fair success at gaining new business but then you hear about Collaboration Marketing and you wonder why all the hype? Why should you consider changing anything or expanding in a new direction?

Collaboration Marketing may not be a must for your business, but it's certainly something worth exploring. You may not need to collaborate with other companies to grow your business, and you may be satisfied with the size and scope of your business. But even if you are not looking to grow, change, or expand, a collaboration strategy may help you maintain the smooth running of your current operations, which could mean less day to day work for you.

There are two distinct types of Collaboration Marketing that are important to understand. One deals with the actual advertising and marketing of your products, the other relates to the market in which you sell and distribute your products. Before making a decision about whether a collaboration strategy is right for your business, it is important to understand and explore both aspects of this type of marketing.

Advertising Collaborations focus on shared industry resources and word of mouth partnerships. If you have a small business specializing in making wedding cakes, you will benefit by making contact with other wedding industry professionals such as photographers, caterers and consultants. If a photographer has a client who has not yet decided on a bakery for their special cake, the advertising collaboration creates a point of contact and referral to recommend your wedding cake business to the client.

By the same token, if you have clients who have not yet selected a photographer for their wedding, you can recommend your collaboration partner, who is a wedding photographer. The success of your Advertising Collaboration will depend on your ability to form and develop successful business relationships.

Market Share Collaboration deals directly with the market in which your products are bought and sold and may be a large undertaking, but it's an important process to understand in any marketplace. This type of collaboration has to do with banding together with other small businesses in your area, and forming a small cooperative to maximize cost savings for products you all use or need to do business.

For example, the Central Minnesota Buckwheat Growers formed a 16 member cooperative in order to market their buckwheat directly to larger buyers, and they received a substantially higher price for their product than they could have received individually.

You are probably not growing or selling buckwheat over the Internet, but this model holds true and translates across the board for any business. If you are a small business, you may benefit from partnerships with other small businesses in your same industry just like the Buckwheat Growers did when they formed a collective.

Collaboration Marketing is a model I believe you will find merits exploration. If done properly, it will provide a helpful way of expanding and solidifying your business for years to come.

Copyright (c) 2009 Christian Fea

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Change Your Marketing Strategy For a Recession Proof Business

With the recession many Internet home businesses are struggling to continue. Changing your marketing strategy is key to succeeding during a poor economy and with only a few minor tweaks to your web site you can have a recession proof business.

A common misconception that many people have is that now is a bad time to make money with a Internet home business. Many people will either close their business or wait until they feel the economy has improved to start one. However, these people are possibly missing out an incredible opportunity.

Depending on their particular situation people react to a recession in various ways. One thing that will remain constant is that they won't stop buying things they just will be buying different things. In fact if money is tight many will be searching for more items to save money. So you need to tailor your recession marketing strategy to respond to the new opportunity.

The key to making money with a Internet home business is to understand what people want and why the want it. This does not change with a recession. It is even more important in a poor economy than in a boom and is key to making sure you have a recession proof business.

When the economy is doing well people like to spend money. With extra money in their pockets and the feeling that there will always be more available they enjoy spending it. They have a feeling that they are rich and it will only get better.

However, during a recession everybody worries about their financial security even if they have not been personally effected. They will stop spending money on items that they feel are not necessary and will look to save money on every purchase. They also will put off buying high ticket items such as a new car or expensive vacation and adopt a more "make do" style of spending.

With this new spending style, operating a Internet home business offers some distinct advantages and may actually be recession proof. Here are a few examples of opportunities that should only grow during a recession.

Financial Advice: The economy had been so good for so long that many of the younger generation have never bothered to learn the most basic information about their financial situation. They assumed they would always be on easy street and have no idea how to manage credit card debt or even how to set up a household budget. Many people will be looking for simple advice and financial counseling services.

On the other end of the spectrum are those who are close to retirement and are beginning to look for additional ways to make and save money. With crash of the stock market many people have lost a large portion of their retirement savings. These people will be looking for additional streams of income and advice on how to invest more for retirement.

Work From Home Opportunities: With the recession many people have lost their jobs or are concerned they may soon loose it. People are looking for jobs and are unable to find any are looking to work from home. A one stop source of information of different work from opportunities are what many people are already looking for.

If you look at the recession as an opportunity to help others and use your Internet home business as source of information and value for those who need it you will discover their are many ways to build a recession proof business and make a good living by helping others.

John McRae works from home researching affiliate programs and ways to increase his retirement income. You can view his site Your Work-From-Home Help Center for ideas to increase your income and ways to increase traffic to your web site

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Business Ideas - Start an Online Business Without a Website

There are many ways you can start a small business online and make money without going through the process of building a website. In this article, we will focus on four of them.


You can actually blog your way to the bank.You can write reviews about other people's website, products and services and get paid for doing so. For every review your post your get paid.

You will be happy to know that you can start blogging in minutes without spending a penny to buy any software. For instance, WordPress is a free standard publishing platform that you can install in minutes. If you can't afford to host your own blog or you don't want to involve yourself in any technicalities, then you can get free blogging spaces too. The best way to become a profitable blogger is to stay in your comfort zone. Only write about what you know.

Writing articles and papers

You can earn good money for writing articles. Just like blogging, you can write articles and papers and get paid regularly for doing so. The difference between blogging and article writing is the structure, the tone and the length. Blogging is more like running commentaries about specific issues and such commentaries can be your opinion about a product, service or a current issue. Article writing on the other hand is more information oriented, and content rich. For me, a well written article should not be less than 450 words.

You may write articles to required specification and submit it to article sites, companies or webmasters that pay you. You can become a ghostwriter if you have the ability to write at a professional level. More so, if you have some technical writing skills you can write technical papers for money. All you have to do is register as a freelancer or join article writing services online, and you are ready to make money.

Get paid for promoting other people's business (affiliate programs)

Here, all you have to do is promote other people's businesses. You don't need a website of your own to do this. Usually, a unique affiliate link is given to you, and you can promote this in many ways. For instance, you may promote your affiliate link through pay-per-click advertising or free advertising sites. You can also promote the site through blogs or online communities. If people buy a service or product through your link you get paid.

Turnkey - Ready made websites

Turnkey websites are ready-made websites. They are built with complete e-commerce functionalities. Functions such as feedback forms, newsletter sign up forms, shopping carts and so on are usually included. These websites sometimes include administration control panels, which allow you to customize your site as you wish. You don't have to do anything but include your affiliate links and other minor details such as setting up your emails and sometimes your bank or payment details to work with the site. Your main job is to promote your site and then make money. You can get turnkey websites for free. Please note that, not all turnkey websites are free.

Some websites are built and sold to people who don't have the time or the technical know-how of building an e-commerce site. Such sites are sold at what I believe to be reasonable prices - if you compare this to the amount of time, money and effort you would have had to put into building your own website and creating your own products. If you decide to go for a free turnkey website, note that the company or website that powers your turnkey website will place some adverts on your site. It is mandatory to keep these adverts on the site. Sometimes, all they require is a link back to their site. This link is usually placed at the bottom of the webpage. Choosing a Business opportunity You need to decide which of the opportunities listed above suits you best. Once you have made your decision, the next thing to do is to find out websites or online companies that can offer you these opportunities. The word here is 'caution'. Make sure you read the policies and terms of service before you commit yourself.

In summary, there are many money making or business opportunities online. If you have little or no money to invest, then you should think about blogging, writing of articles and earning from affiliate programs as a starting point to making some money online. You may also decide to get a ready made website for free or for a little fee. Make sure you ascertain the creditability of a website and understand the terms of service and policies before you engage in any business online.

Lola Adegbulu has been involved in Internet study and information distribution for over five years.

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3 Killer Tips How to Create an Online Business Opportunity With Your Natural Strengths

When you think deeply, what is needed to run online business systems successfully, you will soon find out that the only real way to stand out from the crowd is yourself. Most online business opportunities include the same products or are total copycats. To start your own online business with me to solution will not lead to success.

1. What Is Your Nature?

All online businesses are small ones, which means that you will be the engine and the source of all ideas. So where your ideas come from? The answer is clear. They come from your subconscious, which is the storage for all your learned and experienced information.

And your nature guides this big warehouse, it picks certain kind of data to store. So, when you start to think how to create an online business opportunity, start from your own nature. Make a short research about what kind of life you have lived so far, go through your school days, your strengths and weaknesses at work, your marriage, what kind of friends you have had and have and so on.

These things will tell, what kind of online business you should choose to yourself. The core direction of your business is the most important, the rest is just details.

2. What Are Your Interests?

It is amazing how big differences there are with interests of different people. When you think how to create an online business opportunity, the interests are as important as your nature, as a matter of facts, they are parts of that.

The phrase, do what you love and soon you will love what you do, is exactly correct with online business systems. When you research your interests, be extremely honest and think deeply with time, whether certain thing is really your interest.

3. What Is Your Attitude To Projects?

An attitude is the strongest success factor, that we all have. We have inherited factors, we have learned factors and we have environmental factors, but nothing can beat a strong attitude. Can you carry the started project to success or will you give up after the first difficulty?

A winner with strong attitude will find ways to success and a loser with weak attitude will find out explanations, why it is impossible to reach the results. An answer to the question how to create an online business opportunity is, with strong attitude.

A marketer with attitude will survive and even after he has been beaten down and failed temporarily, he will learn from mistakes and start again. We all meet obstacles, we just cannot avoid them. But the difference between the loser and the winner is, which one will skip the whole business and which one will go on. And win!

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. Create An Online Business With Your Natural Strengths. They Will Make Your Online Business To Stand Out From The Crowd. Visit: Create An Online Business

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